María Retana, author and owner of this website, owns the copyright for the illustrations and images  below.

Miles & Lee Save the Monarch Butterflies

 Miles & Lee salvan las mariposas monarcas 

A bilingual English and Spanish chapter book. It is the 2nd book in the Miles & Lee series (revised edition o1/25/2024.) Please make sure you purchase the 2nd edition. Along with their dragons, Golden and Silvery, and an army of fairies and monarch butterflies, the boys take a journey of magic, fun and dare rescue. The brothers successfully save the monarchs' winter home, located in the forests of Mexico.

Recommended Ages 7-12

Monarchs and Fairies in Miles & Lee Save the Monarch Butterflies 


What Readers Are Saying!

"This is a terrific book with an important message for not just children, but adults! Miles, and his younger brother, Lee, set off on a magical journey, along with friendly dragons and fairies, to help save the Monarch Butterflies from danger. Written in both English and Spanish, this book has beautiful illustrations throughout and shares information about environmental consciousness and how our actions can positively or negatively affect beautiful creatures in our world."

"Two curious boys, Miles and his younger brother Lee, go on an adventure to save Monarch butterflies from danger. Mixing education with fantasy, the authors have woven a tale that will captivate the imagination of young children while teaching them about the environmental impact logging has on Monarch butterflies. Beautifully written and illustrated. I would highly recommend this book for gift giving and classroom libraries!"