María Retana, author and owner of this website, owns the copyright for the illustrations above.
María Retana's dedication for Chloe's Secrets/Los secretos de Chloe
This heartwarming tale is dedicated to ALL children that have been enslaved in the past and today.
Este conmovedor cuento está dedicado a todos los niños que han sido esclavizados en el pasado y en la actualidad.
Chloe's Secrets/Los Secretos de Chloe, our Spring release, is now under the Prime Reading Program. If you are a Prime member you can read it for FREE. Enjoy it! Below you will find out What Readers Are Saying!
Chloe's Secrets/Los secretos de Chloe
Chloe's Secrets/Los secretos de Chloe is the "Pilot" book for the 2024 series Isabella & Chloe by Authors María Retana, Miles Last and illustrator Salva Ferrando. It is now featured in NetGalley!

Chloe's Secrets/Los secretos de Chloe is a historical non-fiction picture book, written in English and Spanish. María Retana's source of inspiration for this title was her collection of dolls. She recounts the tale of slavery in the South during the 1800s from the perspective of a seven-year-old. Mr. Salva Ferrando illustrates this period in American history with sensitivity, which instills joy rather than sorrow. He shows slavery times in a truthful and powerful way.
Recommended Ages 9-12