Authors María Retana, Miles Last and illustrator Salva Ferrando are happy to announce the second book in the Isabella & Chloe Bilingual Series for 2024 

Pele's Domains/Los dominios de Pele is now featured in NetGalley! 


  Pele's Domains/Los dominios de Pele's e-book is now free if you have Kindle unlimited. It is also offered at $ 2.99. Download it to make it part of your digital library.

  Kilauea eruption began at approximately 2:20 a.m. on December 23, and vents are continuing to erupt on the floor of the southwest part of the summit caldera. Currently, all activity is confined to the summit caldera. Scientists say the eruption has stabilized within the crater and there are no immediate threats to infrastructure. It has had five episodes since December. It is hard to tell when Pele is going to let us know who the boss is. These are images of Kilauea's latest episode. 


Pele's Domains/Los dominios de Pele, is a bilingual (English and Spanish) chapter book. It will take the reader to Kilauea Volcano, Pele’s home. She is an important goddess in Hawaiian mythology on the Big Island of Hawaii. Pele is commonly referred to as “Madame Pele” or “Tūtū Pele” and is the goddess of fire, lightning, wind, and volcanoes. Outside the domains, Isabella and Chloe encounter Pele’s sister Hi'iaka. She advises the children of how to enter and behave in her sister’s domains. If done cautiously, they will not suffer any harm. Their approach to Pele will determine their success, as they want to avoid offending her. Salva Ferrando's stunning artwork shows Madame Pele's enchanted control over the land. Recommended Ages 9-12

María Retana, author and owner of this website, owns the copyright for all images and illustrations throughout this website. Enjoy them! Below you will find out What Readers Are Saying!